Privacy Policy for Easy CV

Last Updated: 6/13/2024


This Privacy Policy outlines the commitment of “Easy CV” (“we”, “us”, or “our”) to protect the privacy of our users (“you” or “your”). Our app is designed to provide you with a seamless experience in creating and managing CVs without compromising your privacy.

No Data Collection

No Personal Data Collection: We do not collect, store, or use any personal data from our users. Our app operates entirely on your device.

Local Data Storage: All data entered into the app, such as CV details, personal information, and career history, are stored locally on your device and are not transmitted to us or any third parties.

No Tracking or Analytics: We do not use any form of tracking or analytics tools within our app. Your usage patterns and behaviors within the app remain private.

User Data Responsibility

Data Control: As all data is stored locally on your device, you have full control over it. You are responsible for managing and protecting this data.

Data Backup: We recommend regularly backing up your device to prevent data loss. We are not responsible for any loss of data.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Updates: We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on our website and within the app.

Notification of Changes: We will notify you of any significant changes to our Privacy Policy within the app or through a notification, as applicable.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us through the app’s support feature or at [].